Who We Are
We are a Bible-based, inter-generational, community-minded church.

We are a community of people being changed by an encounter with Jesus and the love of God.
Wherever you are on the journey of faith - curious, skeptical, or all-in - Wellspring is a place you can move closer to Christ, together.
Our vision as a church is to pursue a deep life in Christ. Like a tree that is planted by a stream of water, we desire to be a church that is nurtured by a constant flow of the Holy Spirit's presence and work causing us to be a church that is full of spiritual life and evidence of God's presence.
To be a Christ-centred, Spirit-filled church focused on expanding God’s kingdom in the world.
SPIRIT-LED - We value the prompting, leading, and gifting of the Holy Spirit to minister in God's power.
RELATIONSHIP - We value strong relationships and growing in loving community.
TRANSFORMATION - We value lifelong discipleship in God's word, seeking a changed heart, and seeking a transformed life.
MISSION - We value living sacrificially to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Alliance Canada
We are a part of a larger family of churches called the Christian & Missionary Alliance. The Alliance has been a growing movement of churches since the 1880's. We are people committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a group of more than 430 local churches in Canada and we engage in justice and compassion work in Canada and around the globe. We long to be a movement of churches transformed by Christ, transforming Canada and the world. We recognize the authority of the Bible in everything we do and our thirst is to love God with everything we have - our hearts, souls, and minds - and to love people as we love ourselves.
Visit The Alliance national website for more information.

"... like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."