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The Gospel: Hospitality

Dec 1, 2024

The Gospel

Welcome to our series called “The Gospel” (or good news) in which we have been reflecting on a different dimension of its message each week. For the last two weeks, we have been pondering the question “How does the gospel fit into and find a home within our surrounding culture in which we, as Christ followers, find ourselves “exiled” to the margins of influence? We learnt from Jeremiah that, in exile, God calls us not to merely survive but thrive by seeking the good of “Babylon”—the city we live in. Last week we learnt that one of the ways to do this is to fulfil our calling as a royal priesthood and bless people around us with carefully chosen, God-shaped words. Today we look at yet another way to seek Babylon’s good—the use of our homes to forge heart to heart relationships with people.


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