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The Church: As God Sees It

Oct 13, 2024

The Whole Story

Welcome to our series called “The whole story.” Playing our part in the drama of redemption requires that we know the whole story from Creation (Act 1) to New Creation (Act 7). Act 4 (last week) showcased Jesus, the first one to display the full glory of the image of God in a human. His incarnation was the beginning of a new stream of humanity and His resurrection was the beginning of the new heavens and earth. He invites us to follow Him in a new way of living, not only individually but also corporately. Thats our focus for today—the church which is His body , His family, the new temple and above all His bride.


Shema: Repentance
Shema: Repentance
The Shema: Imagination
The Shema: Imagination
The Shema: Relationships
The Shema: Relationships
Scripture: Engaging the Heart
Scripture: Engaging the Heart
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