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God's Assurance

Feb 12, 2023


Last week, in Exodus 5, we saw the need for us to persevere in our walk with God, as faithfully following God sometimes makes life harder instead of easier...but in the end always better. This week, as we turn to Exodus 6, we see that following God and trusting in his saving work for our lives also entails faithfully waiting on God to fulfill his promise. Our chapter this week begins with God telling Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh...” Only God’s definition of ‘now,’ seems different than ours, because God’s rescue still doesn’t come right away. Instead of action, what proceeds in this chapter is God once again giving Moses and his people the reassurance of his promise instead: God’s promise to bring them “out from under the yoke of the Egyptians” (v.6). God tells Moses that in the past God had not yet made himself “fully known”(v.4), as he is now about to do...but how? Through the Israelites waiting on him to act in power in a way they had not known... but to see God’s power they would have to still patiently wait. Faithfully waiting on God to act and bring about the fullness of his saving work for our lives prepares our heart to receive God’s promises.


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Shema: Repentance
The Shema: Imagination
The Shema: Imagination
The Shema: Relationships
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Scripture: Engaging the Heart
Scripture: Engaging the Heart
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