Gl bal Missions
"...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
ACTS 1:8
LOCAL Church
with a GLOBAL Heart.
As followers of Jesus, God wants us to share His heart for the world. As a local church, we are committed to helping communities and people groups around the world hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. To do that, we engage global ministry in 4 ways:
We are committed to building relationships and partnerships with international Christian workers (missionaries)
We support Alliance Missions through the Alliance Global Advance Fund
We regularly pray for international Christian workers
We encourage short-term mission trips
Wellspring Church is a church of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada (CMA), a denominational family of churches and a movement that is committed to live on mission to reach least reached people groups around the world. As a movement, the CMA is Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused. With approximately 250 international workers, spanning the globe, more than 40% are in countries that have closed their doors to traditional missionaries. These countries are now referred to as Creative Access Countries. Each area in our global regions has a broad range of both physical and spiritual needs that intertwine in the lives of those who live there.
The Global Advance Fund (GAF) is the way we make our vision for mission tangible. To give to the GAF directly, CLICK HERE to make an eternal difference through Alliance Missions. Or give through a Wellspring Church giving envelope and mark your gift under "Alliance Missions."