All kids in Grades 1-5 are invited to join us for a fun time of community at 6:30-8:00pm at the church on Friday, March 21st! Bring a friend along!
What is Kingdom Kids? Kingdom Kids is a program for kids to go deeper and learn more about Jesus. These nights will include large group games, a teaching, and lots of opportunities to create new friendships outside of Sunday mornings!
Our Grade 1-2's are called "Explorers" and Grade 3-5's are called "Adventurers," both the Explorers and Adventurers will have separate programs running on the same night.
Our theme for Kingdom Kids will relate to our spiritual practices that we are focusing on each quarter. Our theme for March will be "Abba: Father God." You can always see the theme of the night in the corner of the graphic.
When Will Kingdom Kids Meet?
Friday, March 21st @ 6:30 - 8:00pm
Kingdom Kids will meet on a Friday every other month!
Please feel free to reach out to our Kids Ministry Director, Emma Grootenboer, with any questions at children@wellspringburlington.com
NOTE: If you are a volunteer looking to help, please sign up under "Kids Ministry Volunteer"!